Monday, December 29, 2008

Risky Business

I remember a news story, some time ago, about a young man who was beaten to death with a baseball bat at a local shopping mall. A number of bystanders, watching the horrific crime, had chosen not to come to his aid. No one was willing to take the risk!

At what point should we be willing to risk our safety for the sake of others? Who would we be willing to die for: our children, a stranger, God, our enemies? Jesus died for His enemies! Life is a risky enough business on its own. We don't need to make it worse by helping to increase the risk? Do we?

Choosing to be a follower of Jesus carries a higher level of risk than most are prepared to accept. It has been said of Christianity that it has not been tried and found wanting but rather it has been found difficult and not fully tried. But I believe that choosing not to follow Jesus is a far riskier choice, not necessarily in the short term but definitely in the long run.

As Christians, I believe that the risk is ultimately worth it because we were made to live in a loving relationship with God and with each other. We were made for a trinitarian life in community with unity and diversity. We need a relationship with God in order to be truly fulfilled, to enjoy the "real life" He intends for us. Are we willing to risk living our life without God?

In 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 24, Zechariah was willing to risk his life in order to advance God's kingdom. He prophesied against the idolatry of King Joash and his people. They swiftly answered Zechariah by stoning him to death in the temple court. This was his reward for attempting to bring the people back to God. It obviously hit at sore spot.

Revelations, Chapter 11, reveals that the world will hate God and His two witnesses. Because they risk preaching the good news concerning Jesus they will be killed and dishonoured by a celebrating world who will refuse them a proper burial. But I think the risk is worth it. The pain is worth the gain:

a) The witnesses will be resurrected and taken up to be with God.

b) The kingdoms of the earth will become the kingdoms of our Lord.

c) God will reign forever

d) God's servants, all those who fear (honour and respect) His name - great and small, will be rewarded.

In Chapter 10 of John's Gospel, Jesus speaks about the shepherd and his sheep. It is interesting to note that the shepherds, from the near eastern countries, do not drive their sheep from behind. They lead their sheep. They are out front calling back to them, showing them the way.
Jesus is the ultimate risk-taker and the ultimate good shepherd. He leads in front of us by way of a sacrificial life. He says the good shepherd is willing to lay down His life for His sheep. Once we know the shepherd and follow Him no one can snatch us out of His hands. The risk is definitely worth it! Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans, Chapter 8, Verses 31 to 39).

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