Saturday, January 3, 2009

I did it my way!

There is a famous song by Frank Sinatra which proudly states, "I did it my way!" But doing it our own way, without God at the helm, will ultimately be the wrong way.

In 2 Chronicles, Chapter 25 King Amaziah decides to "do it his way" by worshipping other gods and in the end is defeated and killed.

Satan tries to "do it his way" in Revelation, Chapter 12. As the Dragon he attempts to ruin God's plan for salvation by trying to devour the child - God's Son. In the end Satan is kicked out of heaven and eventually thrown into the lake of fire.

We are told in Chapter 8 of Zechariah that Israel tried unsuccessfully to "do it their way" and became a curse - a negative influence upon the nations around them. Israel is told if they are willing to do it God's way they will be granted a change in status. God will transform them into a blessed nation who will be a blessing to others rather than one that is cursed.

In John, Chapter 11, the Jewish leaders decide to "do it their way" to maintain control, comfort, and conformity but in the process totally miss the point. They fail to recognize that it is the long awaited Messiah who they are plotting against.

Imagine if Jesus had decided to "do it his way" instead of acting in obedience to God-the-Father. Most likely he would have hidden himself to avoid arrest and crucifixion - choosing to save his own life and leave us in our graves.

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