Friday, November 28, 2008

Prepared and Watchful

It was on a Labour Day weekend that I first took my family on a canoe trip. My whole frame of mind changed as we prepared for this adventure. I had to make sure we were fully prepared with the necessary provisions, life jackets, first-aid kit, map, compass, and so on. Once we embarked on our five day journey I had to be constantly watchful regarding potential risks and danger for me and my family as we ventured into Algonquin Park's interior. This heightened awareness was it stark contrast to a more casual mind-set while in the comfort of my home. As darkness fell each evening, the possiblity of bears lurking around the campsite at night was always on my mind. I decided to set up a battery operated light with a motion detector. If a bear walked near the tent the light would come on and hopefully scare him away. We also had to hang our food pack from a tree limb to protect it from being devoured by uninvited guests.

In Chapter 5 of Peter's first letter we are advised to be prepared for our Christian journey by clothing ourselves with humility and submitting to those who are older. He also warns us to be watchful and vigilant because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion (or bear) looking to spiritually devour us. The enemy is always hoping for opportunities to overwhelm the believer with temptation, persecution, and discouragement.

In 1 Chronicles 24 & 25 King David was preparing and making provision for his people to worship God by organizing the Priests and the musicians.

We are reminded in Micah, Chapter 3 that we must be watchful regarding our relationship with God. If we are unrepentent, regarding wrong-doing, God may hide his face from us.

In Luke, Chapter 12 we are advised to be prepared and vigilant: beware of hypocrisy, fear the devil, rely on the Spirit, beware of covetousness, seek the kingdom, expect persecution, and be watchful for Christ's return.

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