Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Gift of Relationships

The following is an example of some interaction between two friends (the real names are not used) to help illustrate the great gift that God has given us in our relationships with each other. God actually reveals himself through each of his children. That is why every single life is so special and valuable. I believe that a unique piece of God exists in every person; therefore the diminishing of any person will diminish our world and our ability to know God more intimately.

A) Initial e-mail from Peter to Sam:

Hi Sam

I just finished reading the information regarding the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Amazing!!!

It has provided me with some great insight as summarized below:
(Sam - please review my conclusions to confirm whether or not I have understood the information correctly)

1) If only living beings can make more orderly molecules and systems (and therefore block the tendency towards entropy) it is logical to conclude that the orderly world that we live in could not have happened by chance. A living being must have created it – namely God.

2) Therefore one could conclude that each day (instead of asking, “Why me?” when things periodically go wrong) we should ask, “Why not me?” We should be continually grateful that more things don’t go wrong. I believe that it is God who has created the many safety barriers that require activation energy (Ea) from an outside source to break them down. These safety barriers, unless tampered with, will almost always protect us. But God has allowed mankind (whom he created in His own image) to freely manipulate His creation if we so desire. He has allowed us to be creative like Himself. This means that we are free to tamper with the safety barriers He has set up to protect us and ultimately put our existence at risk. (For example – the nuclear bomb, global warming, etc.)

Thanks again for the interesting link.

B) Response from Sam back to Peter:

Hi Peter

I think that your understanding is perfectly correct. From the order in our solar system, down to the order exhibited in the periodic table, it clearly shows the hand of a living God in its creation.

Try to imagine a machine with the complexity of the various systems of the human body--digestive, reproductive, muscular/skeletal, the sensory organs, nervous, endocrine etc. Think about the the symbiotic relationship of other (beneficial) organisms in our digestive tract which allow us to digest food. It really is astounding. And to think that this runs fairly well, not for 5 years until some major repairs come along, like a car, but 40 or 50 and in some cases most all of a person's life without any major medical conditions. Yes Peter, I think you are correct. The real question is "why not me".

It is interesting that you mention the atomic bomb. That is another example where activation energy (Ea) is required. The bomb will not spontaneously explode. It is completely stable (except for the radioactive decay). It requires a small explosion to bring the molecules of enriched uranium so close together that the heat and energy generated by the decay, in the now smaller volume, can't escape fast enough. This causes the radioactive decay to speed up which results is a run-away thermo-nuclear explosion. Here again, God has provided a safe-guard in the form of an activation energy. It now becomes our personal (societal) choice to over-ride that safe-guard or not. The unfortunate part is that it is a societal choice with personal repercussions.
Take care,

C) Reply from Peter back to Sam:

Thanks Sam

It is amazing how your words and understanding of the scientific aspects of our world inspire my faith. Sam, you truly have an awesome and wonderful mind that can plumb the depths of this aspect of God’s creation. I always tell people (at least those who are willing to put up with my chatter) how I marvel at the talents of others (like yourself) and it does not threaten me or make me feel small. It actually enlarges me and my world with the privilege and honour of seeing portions of God’s image in others. C.S. Lewis says that if you put together all of the positive aspects, of all the people who have lived plus all those who will ever live - you still do not adequately reflect all the goodness and wonder of God. Ravi Zacharias says that God is the only being in whom we can find infinite wonder and novelty. Or in other words, we can be in God’s presence forever and still not get bored. Amazing!!!

Thanks again,

Note - If science is your thing, here is the link to the information regarding the “Second Law of Thermodynamics” that is being discussed above -

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