A large portion of today’s culture does not believe in absolute truth. Quests for truth are often suppressed in the public arena or washed away by waves of relativism. When people claim that all truth is relative they are actually making a “truth statement”. This creates a self-defeating argument.
The crux of the problem, I believe, is a moral one. Many prefer “relative truth” because it permits them to do as they choose. The popularity of “relativism” is due to its reduction of moral accountability as opposed to the guilt-inducing boundaries imposed by absolute moral standards. As if "guilty feelings" are to be avoided at all costs.
My own conscience tells me that life is made up of many things, spoken or done, that are absolutely good or bad, true or false. The fact that we have this sense of right and wrong within us provides reasonable evidence for the existence of an “external objective moral law” which then logically points to a moral law-giver – to God Himself!
This is where "relativism" breaks down even further. If truth is relative, then no words or actions can be classified as absolutely true or false, good or evil, right or wrong. In this scenario a child could be tortured to death and no one could say, with absolute certainty, that torturing and murdering a child is wrong. Continuing with this type of world view would throw our culture into social chaos and further uncertainty. It would eventually be found unlivable.
The Bible, I believe, reveals portions of absolute truth. It provides a solid explanation of reality that can be fully trusted and relied upon. God’s Word provides coherent and fully integrated answers regarding: (1) Origin, (2) Meaning, (3) Morality, and (4) Destiny. This doesn't mean that Christians have full absolute knowledge of all absolute truth. No! We have access, with God's help, to portions of His absolute truth which have been revealed at various times and in various ways through the prophets and in these last days spoken by His Son - Jesus. This is truth that we can rely on absolutely. In the following readings I found some examples of God's absolute truth woven into the fabric of scripture:
2 Chronicles, Chapter 31:
(a) The Book of the Law, as written by Moses, was discovered after many years of disuse and newly declared to the people of Israel and Judah. This revelation of God’s truth initiated a revival in worship. The Passover was celebrated and the people carried their renewed convictions, based on the truth of God’s Word, back to their towns and villages.
(b) God’s truth helped expose the false worship of other god’s. As a result, the people dismantled and destroyed all things to do with idolatry.
(c) An understanding of God’s truth provided the people with real hope for the future and fostered true gratitude and sacrificial giving. They were donating 23% of their annual income to support the temple worship and its leaders. After meeting the needs of the Priests and Levites the huge surplus of givings was used to support the poor.
Revelation, Chapter 17:
(a) The bowls of God’s "righteous & true" judgments are targeting Babylon which represents the “Final World System”.
(b) The great harlot is a symbol of "false religion" and "religious apostasy" that will be prominent during the end times.
(c) World leaders will ally themselves with the harlot (false religion) who rides the scarlet beast (the antichrist). The harlot will be the beast’s pawn for a period of time in order to establish world unity by fostering false hope through a counterfeit peace. At the right time the beast will discard the harlot and assume political control under a one world government.
Zechariah, Chapter 13:
(a) We are told that false prophets will receive harsh judgement from God because they misrepresented His truth
(b) We hear the truth of prophecy (500 years before Jesus' birth) concerning a "Shepherd Savior". He will be a companion of God (the second person of the Trinity "God-the-Son"). The sword will strike the Shepherd and the sheep (His followers) will be scattered.
John, Chapter 16:
(a) The ultimate truth concerning our salvation will be available throught "The Helper" (the third person of the Trinity "God-the-Spirit") who Jesus says he will send to us after he rises and returns to God-the-Father.
(b) The Helper: (1) will guide us into all truth, (2) will not speak on His own authority but with the authority of the Father and the Son, (3) will glorify Jesus by taking what is the Son's and declaring it to us, and (4) will glorify the Father because all things that belong to the Son have come from the Father.
(c) True Joy - Jesus says, as prophesied by Zechariah, that His disciples will be scattered when He is struck down. Initially they will lament and weep because of sorrow and the world will rejoice. But their pain will turn to joy because they will see Jesus alive again and no one will be able to steal that "true joy"
(d) True Victory - Jesus tells His disciples that in the world they will have tribulation but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. He has achieved "true victory" over sin and death.
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"fear any breach of this seal to the empire beyond . . . for beyond are those who cannot see evil"
- Naked Empire by Terry Goodkind
"Thinking requires effort; these people offered beliefs that needed no thought, but merely adopting some noble phrases. It was in fact, an arrogant dismissal of the power of man's mind - an illusion of wisdom that spurned the requirement of any authentic effort to understand the world around them or the nuisance of validation. Such simple solutions, such as unconditionally rejecting all violence, are especially seductive to the undeveloped minds of the young, many of whom would have eagerly adopted such disordered reasoning as a talisman of enlightenment."
Its amazing how fantasy and reality blend!!!
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