Friday, December 19, 2008

Real Life = Risks + Rewards

I am happiest and most fulfilled when I am working on God's agenda rather than my own. "Real Life" (or "Eternal Life" as the Bible calls it) is an adventure, full of both risks and rewards. It is an exciting way to live because I cannot predict when the Spirit of Jesus will assign me a new task or mission. God has created each one of us as unique individuals with specific talents and experiences that can be used, with God's help, to build up His kingdom.

In 2 Chronicles, Chapter 11 we see that Rehoboam is not willing to continue with the risky business of trusting God and chooses what appears to be the more comfortable path of a self-directed life. After three properous years, walking in the way of God, he decides to rely on his own judgement and appoints priests for the purpose of worshipping idols - false gods. The rewards that go with a life of risk and sacrifice for God are replaced with the punishment of defeat at the hands of an Egyptian army.

John writes to the Church at Smyrna, in Revelation Chapter 2, that Jesus knows they are suffering and risking imprisonment because they follow Him. He encourages them to persevere. Those who overcome will be rewarded with protection from the second death - saved from permanent separation from God beyond this life.

Many in the Church at Pergamos are risking persecution because they refuse to deny their faith in Jesus. Those who overcome will be rewarded with hidden mana (spiritual bread that the unbelieving world cannot see) and a new name on a white stone. When an athelete won in the games, he was often given, as part of his prize, a white stone which was an admission pass to the winner's celebration afterwards. This would symbolize, for those in Pergamos, an admission pass to celebrate, in heaven after this life, their deliverance from sin and death by way of the cross and resurrection of Jesus.

In Zephaniah, Chapter 3, those who make up the faithful remnant in Jerusalem will be risk-takers for God who: a) wait patiently on God, b) bring God His offering, c) speak no lies (declare the truth), and d) do not fear anyone but God.
This trusting and obedient remnant will be glad and rejoice in Gods faithfullness for he will reward them by: a) taking away their judgements - forgiving their sins, b) casting out their enemies, c) coming into their midst, d) protecting them from disaster, e) taking away their fear, f) quieting them with His love, g) strengthening their hands, h) gathering those who sorrow, and i) appointing them for praise and fame.

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 1 we are faced with the risk of allowing Jesus to turn our life upside down. In his book "The Irresistible Revolution" Shane Claibourne declares that Jesus ruined his life. What he really means is Jesus ruined his "self-directed" life, a life that was self-centered rather than God-centered. This is the central risk of faith - the risk of transformation. Are we willing to give up a life focused on just ourselves? Through Jesus the old life can be exchanged for "Real Life" in the wide open spaces of a God-connected, God-directed, and God-injected life. Erwin McManus (pastor of "Mosaic" - a Los Angeles church) says, " I am not important enough for my life to be just about me." In Verse 12 & 13 it says, "Yet to all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." This is the transformation, being reborn with God at the center of our lives - with God's Spirit injected into our repentent and grateful hearts.

What are the benefits and rewards for embracing this transformation - for opening our hearts to "Real Life" with God?
a) We become children of God forever!
b) We can get to know God-the-Father personally through Jesus - who is God with us!
c) Jesus death on the cross and His resurrection have taken away the sins of the whole world. Our sins are forgiven, our future with God is secure. Therefore, with God's help, we can risk pouring ourselves out in reckless love, here and now!

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