Thursday, February 19, 2009

Algonquin Otters

A number of years ago, Janice and I did some canoeing in the Hailstorm Marsh just off the north-west arm of Lake Opeongo in Algonquin Park. Early that morning, we were transported by water-taxi from the south end of the lake and dropped off on a sandy point at the entrance to the marsh.

We quickly off-loaded our canoe and packs and pushed off for a great day of paddling. This area was particularly known for the moose that would frequent it's shallow waters to eat water lilies and other plant life. We kept our eyes peeled for these beautiful woodland creatures.

After paddling for about an hour, I was startled when a small otter popped its' head up through the sun-sparkled surface of the water. As it quickly ducked out of site another head popped up on the opposite side of our canoe closer to Jan. This second otter quickly dove below the surface just before a third otter appeared near the stern as I completed a "J" stroke and lifted my paddle from the water.

We both stopped paddling and quietly waited for a repeat performance. We were not disappointed. They entertained us for about twenty minutes. At times separately and at other times rolling together in a living ball of shear joy and delight. You couldn't distinguish one from the other. They would chase each other, sliding in and out of the water, darting effortlessly through the plant life of the marsh. Their free abandon and obvious enjoyment of each other was amazing. I smiled all that day and even now as I remember this gift from God.

Three of the drawings I have posted on my blog were inspired by this experience. I truly believe that God gave us a glimpse of Himself through these playful otters. If He is a "God of Love" then He must have loving relationships within Himself. He is one being made up of three persons - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As the otters rolled together in that tight ball, it gave me a small yet imperfect glimpse of the three persons within God. One aspect of the Trinity had been revealed to me. Within God you find loving, playful, and supportive relationships that should be the ultimate model for our families and for all our relationships.

When looking at the illustrations you will see within "God-the-Father" an endless circular design the symbolizes His eternal existence. Within the drawing of "God-the-Son" you will see the form of a fish - a Christian symbol. The Greek acronym that spells "fish" represented the phrase "Jesus Christ our Savoir". And in the last drawing of "God-the-Holy Spirit" you will see the shape of an empty cross. Jesus had to die and rise again from the cross before the Spirit could be sent to those who put their faith and trust in Him.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Gift of Relationships

The following is an example of some interaction between two friends (the real names are not used) to help illustrate the great gift that God has given us in our relationships with each other. God actually reveals himself through each of his children. That is why every single life is so special and valuable. I believe that a unique piece of God exists in every person; therefore the diminishing of any person will diminish our world and our ability to know God more intimately.

A) Initial e-mail from Peter to Sam:

Hi Sam

I just finished reading the information regarding the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Amazing!!!

It has provided me with some great insight as summarized below:
(Sam - please review my conclusions to confirm whether or not I have understood the information correctly)

1) If only living beings can make more orderly molecules and systems (and therefore block the tendency towards entropy) it is logical to conclude that the orderly world that we live in could not have happened by chance. A living being must have created it – namely God.

2) Therefore one could conclude that each day (instead of asking, “Why me?” when things periodically go wrong) we should ask, “Why not me?” We should be continually grateful that more things don’t go wrong. I believe that it is God who has created the many safety barriers that require activation energy (Ea) from an outside source to break them down. These safety barriers, unless tampered with, will almost always protect us. But God has allowed mankind (whom he created in His own image) to freely manipulate His creation if we so desire. He has allowed us to be creative like Himself. This means that we are free to tamper with the safety barriers He has set up to protect us and ultimately put our existence at risk. (For example – the nuclear bomb, global warming, etc.)

Thanks again for the interesting link.

B) Response from Sam back to Peter:

Hi Peter

I think that your understanding is perfectly correct. From the order in our solar system, down to the order exhibited in the periodic table, it clearly shows the hand of a living God in its creation.

Try to imagine a machine with the complexity of the various systems of the human body--digestive, reproductive, muscular/skeletal, the sensory organs, nervous, endocrine etc. Think about the the symbiotic relationship of other (beneficial) organisms in our digestive tract which allow us to digest food. It really is astounding. And to think that this runs fairly well, not for 5 years until some major repairs come along, like a car, but 40 or 50 and in some cases most all of a person's life without any major medical conditions. Yes Peter, I think you are correct. The real question is "why not me".

It is interesting that you mention the atomic bomb. That is another example where activation energy (Ea) is required. The bomb will not spontaneously explode. It is completely stable (except for the radioactive decay). It requires a small explosion to bring the molecules of enriched uranium so close together that the heat and energy generated by the decay, in the now smaller volume, can't escape fast enough. This causes the radioactive decay to speed up which results is a run-away thermo-nuclear explosion. Here again, God has provided a safe-guard in the form of an activation energy. It now becomes our personal (societal) choice to over-ride that safe-guard or not. The unfortunate part is that it is a societal choice with personal repercussions.
Take care,

C) Reply from Peter back to Sam:

Thanks Sam

It is amazing how your words and understanding of the scientific aspects of our world inspire my faith. Sam, you truly have an awesome and wonderful mind that can plumb the depths of this aspect of God’s creation. I always tell people (at least those who are willing to put up with my chatter) how I marvel at the talents of others (like yourself) and it does not threaten me or make me feel small. It actually enlarges me and my world with the privilege and honour of seeing portions of God’s image in others. C.S. Lewis says that if you put together all of the positive aspects, of all the people who have lived plus all those who will ever live - you still do not adequately reflect all the goodness and wonder of God. Ravi Zacharias says that God is the only being in whom we can find infinite wonder and novelty. Or in other words, we can be in God’s presence forever and still not get bored. Amazing!!!

Thanks again,

Note - If science is your thing, here is the link to the information regarding the “Second Law of Thermodynamics” that is being discussed above -

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Baptism

I was baptized as an infant, confirmed as a teenager, but decided to be baptized as an adult at the church I currently attend. The following is the testimony I gave on that day:

What does God want from me? Do I have to sell everything and help the poor? What is it going to take to make God happy? I was desperately asking these questions 26 years ago and urgently seeking answers.

I was a good person. I gave my parents few problems. I graduated from High School with honours. I was even going back to church, and teaching Sunday School. What more did God want from me?

Then a young minister, who overheard my questions, took me aside. He told me that God created us so we could have a relationship with Him. But the desire to run our own lives, apart from God (a desire the Bible calls Sin) has disconnected us from God. The only way to reconnect with God is through Jesus! Jesus suffered and died on the cross to absorb all the consequences of people trying to live their lives disconnected from Him. He paid the penalty for us. Then Jesus rose from the grave, conquering both sin and death and became the bridge back to God.

I then asked “What do I have to do? What does God want from me?” He answered by saying that God wanted me to believe in his only Son – Jesus!” He explained that believing means trusting and putting my full confidence in Jesus, acknowledging that only He can reconnect me with God. I cannot do it on my own. Jesus says “Here I am I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will go in and eat with him and he with me.”

And that is what I did – With a simple prayer, I said I was sorry for hurting Him and others. I thanked him for dying for me and for His forgiveness. Then I opened the door of my heart and asked Jesus to come in.

Some people may ask, “How do you know it really happened? How can you tell that Jesus is actually with you?”

- Initially, I felt an amazing sense of freedom. A weight was lifted. I was forgiven? I was free from the fear of death and judgment!

- Secondly, I received a great sense of relief. I didn’t have to do this on my own. I didn’t have to earn God’s approval.

- Thirdly, I have been given a wonderful sense of purpose. God can use me, in spite of my limitations, in spite of my failures, to help others get to know Him.

- But the most compelling evidence that Jesus is with me comes from the gradual transformation of my heart. I am being changed. These are changes I didn’t expect, changes that I believe would not have happened without the Spirit of Jesus inside of me.

Changes like:

- Turning the other cheek – when often I wanted to strike back.

- Loving my enemies and praying for them, instead of holding grudges and hoping for payback.

- Forgiving and befriending a murderer – someone I would have previously written off.

- Doing what was right – even if it meant my job was at risk.

But there is one thing I’ve learned that I didn’t fully understand at first. There is cost to following Jesus. I have lost my “Self-directed” life, but in the process I have gained much more. Putting my trust in Jesus has given me a “God-connected”, “God-directed”, and God-injected life that will last forever. Nothing can ever disconnect me from God.

My baptism is mainly about what God has done for me – not what I have done in response. It is about declaring and celebrating God’s unconditional love that has come directly from him and by way of the many people that God has brought along side me. I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me and supported me (especially those who are here today) and I would like to venture out and say that your hearts beat so close to the heart of God I am sure that you must know Him.

And now my Dad, a great father and a great friend would like to say a few words.